Hands-Free Charging
for electric vehicles

Unlock roadblocks to
GO massively electric

electric vehicle usage

Battery always charged

Battery always charged

As the vehicle is plugged in once a day, the battery is always charged: no more range anxiety for daily commutes.
No manual plugging

No manual plugging action from the driver

The vehicle is automatically plugged in as soon as it is parked on its usual slot freeing the user, no more to take a bulky cable out of the car, to plug it in, to unplug it and then to store it back in the car full of dirt or moisture.
EV is always preconditioned

EV is always preconditioned for the next trip

EV is always preconditioned: temperature of your choice every day, windscreen de iced in wintertime, interior cooled down in summertime.
No longer need to go to the station

No longer need to go to the station

No waste of time to drive to the station, to find a working charging point, to wait there until the battery is charged, and then to drive back.

MAKES Electric Vehicles

Reduces charging power required by 25%

Lower the charging power needed

As the vehicle is plugged once a day and for a long time, only a limited quantity of energy has to be charged during a long time requiring a lower on board charger power. Both vehicle and SELFPLUG installation will be more affordable.
Extends battery life by 2 years

Increase battery lifespan

As the vehicle is plugged in once a day and energy used for daily commutes is only a fraction of battery capacity, its charge level can be always maintained in a limited range, typically between 50% and 80%. This new charging strategy will increase the battery lifetime by 25% at least.
Rightsize battery capacity
to EV usage

Rightsize battery capacity

As battery is charged once a day, for daily commutes just a fraction of the battery capacity is used. Full battery capacity is used only for occasional long-distance trips . Users that will do a few long-distance trip a year may choose a lower battery capacity to get a more affordable EV.
Lower energy cost

Lower energy cost

As the vehicle is plugged in once a day and for hours, battery can be charged when energy cost is at its lowest. Energy can be stored when at its lowest cost and then retrieved when its value is higher. EV becomes a source of revenue.


With the help of the Enedis fleetNavya autonomous shuttles and car makers (confidential).





Makes a 100% electric mobility possible.

Benefits for every stakeholders

  • No more range anxiety, no more charging chore, no more need to drive to the station, vehicle always preconditioned
  • EV is perceived as a step forward
  • EV is more affordable
  • Enable new ways of marketing cars or mobility
  • Speed up EV sales to get a faster return on investment
  • Fill the price gap between EV and conventional cars (lower power on board charger, longer battery lifetime, battery rightsized to vehicle usage)
  • Open new revenues perspective
  • Open new business model opportunities
  • Create new business opportunities in an industry that is deeply affected by car electrification 
  • Makes the Vehicle to Grid (V2G) business model sustainable
  • Double a low CAPEX intensity storage capacity, controllable, predictable and spread all over the territory
  • Make the Grid more robust to fluctuation of non controllable renewable energy
  • Speed up non controllable renewable energy deployment without CAPEX increase
  • Capture 85+% of energy sold in an EV lifetime
  • Double revenues from Energy trading and Grid support
  • Increase availability of public charging stations
  • Lower public charging station maintenance cost
  • Generate revenues even if EV is connected to public charging station for a long time
  • Lower public charging station installation cost
  • Increase EV availability
  • Lower operational cost (no need to pay for a “juicer”, lower maintenance cost)
  • Increase uptime
  • Enable a 24 hours a day and a 7 days a week service
  • Improve aesthetics of urban spaces as the charging station is flush monted in the street
  • Improve personal safety (no more visible charging station, no more hanging cable, no more risk of electrification)
  • Speed up EV deployment
  • Speed up non Controllable Renewable Energy production
  • Speed up CO2 reduction to positively impact Greenhouse effect
  • Speed up polutant and particulate metters reduction
  • Positive impact on SDGs n ° 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13 and in 2035 
  • Will reduce the CO² emissions of the 27 countries of the EU by 1.2%.
  • Will create or save 1.000 jobs by 2027 and 10.000 jobs in 2032


GULPLUG meets 6 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations
to transform our world by 2030:

The impacts of automatic connection:

Jobs saved / created
by 2027 (10,000 in 2032)
0 M tons

of CO2 avoided
across Europe



Henri aims to automatize EV plugging to speed up the energetic transition and make mobility clean.


CTO, co-fondaeur
Entrepreneur and innovator, Xavier grow our technology and our offer.


Attentive to details and organised, Héla ensure the right execution of our strategic plan.


Project owner
Attentive to details and with a customer feeling, Ronan ensures the project management.


Systems engineer
Antoine makes everything possible. He designs, prototypes our systems and test them over the World.


International Business Development
Dynamic and determined, Antonin realizes our business opportunities around the World.


Product engineer
With Nathan, our ideas take shape, he designs and prototypes our products.

Our supports


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